Camden County Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Cherry Hill Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Dynamic Representation and Success

Have you been injured on the job? At Begelman & Orlow, P. C., we are committed to assuring that New Jersey workers who are injured on the job are fairly compensated for their injuries. We understand that the lost income and medical expense associated with workplace injury can have a dramatic impact on families and individuals. Our New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers work aggressively to ensure that our clients receive the benefits they have earned.

Workers’ compensation law (often referred to as workman’s comp or workers’ comp) is designed to provide people who are injured on the job a safety net. We have extensive experience handling New Jersey workers’ compensation cases for clients in a variety of industries including truck drivers, pharmaceutical workers, construction workers, medical workers, and school teachers.

New Jersey workers’ compensation allows people who suffer a job injury to receive medical care, temporary disability benefits, and, depending on the severity of the injury, an award for permanent disability. Injured workers may receive temporary wage and medical benefits while our workers’ compensation attorneys work on your case.

If you have been injured on the job, you cannot be terminated for filing a workers’ compensation claim. We have significant experience handling CEPA cases related to workers’ compensation cases. CEPA (New Jersey’s Conscientious Employees Protection Act) protects you against wrongful termination or other retaliation when you file a claim.

Workers’ compensation includes one-time incidents causing a back injury, neck injury, head injury, or a broken bone as well as claims related to repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and cases involving industrial disease.

While on-the-job-injuries are covered almost exclusively by New Jerseys workers’ compensation laws, our attorneys also handle third party claims related to workers’ compensation. Third-party claims involve contributory negligence by a party other than your employer – for example, compensation for a car accident while you are on the job.

Contact Begelman & Orlow, P. C.

Contact our New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers today if you have suffered injuries during the course of your employment. Begelman & Orlow, P. C. represents clients in New Jersey (including the counties of Camden, Burlington, Gloucester, Salem, Mercer, Atlantic, Ocean, and Middlesex) and Pennsylvania (including the counties of Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, and Bucks).

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Over 115 Years combined experience protecting your rights New Jersey Employment Law Attorneys A Full Service Law Firm Handling Cases Across Pennsylvania and New Jersey