US Military Contract Fraud Lawyers – **Nationwide

Large military contracts provide many opportunities for companies to commit fraud against the government. Contractors may work with lower quality materials than they are contractually required to use or bill for services they have not provided.

If you know of a military or defense contractor that is cheating the government, speak to a military contract fraud lawyer at Begelman & Orlow, P. C.. You may be able to pursue a qui tam action under the federal False Claims Act, thereby protecting the government and taxpayers from fraud. Also, if the qui tam action is successful, you may share in the funds recovered.

Contact our firm today to discuss your potential claims related to military contract fraud. We serve clients across the **nation from our offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Although many instances of military contract fraud relate to defense or health care, this fraud may arise from anyone who is receiving government funds to provide services or equipment to the military.

  • Do you know of a military contractor that is providing lower quality materials than they are contractually required to offer?
  • Do you have evidence that a health care provider is double billing the government for the services it provides?
  • Do you know of a materials supply company that isn’t performing quality testing as required by a government contract?

Every industry has shortcuts. However, when these shortcuts mean that the government isn’t receiving the quality services or materials required, this is fraud within the meaning of the Federal False Claims Act.

Many people who are consider pursuing a qui tam action fear that they will face retaliation from their employers. Whether you are a member of the armed forces or employed by a private contractor, this is a reasonable concern. The Federal False Claims Act provides employment protections for whistleblowers. Consequences may follow reporting, but the law protects employees from most retaliatory actions by employers.

Our attorneys will help you understand the potential consequences of pursuing a military contract fraud or qui tam action. If you decide to pursue the action, we will work diligently to ensure that your rights are fully protected under the applicable laws. For clients in New Jersey, we frequently file lawsuits under the Conscientious Employee Protection Act.

Contact Begelman & Orlow, P. C.

For more information, or to discuss your potential claims with a knowledgeable qui tam and military contract fraud lawyer, contact our offices today.

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