Qui Tam Lawsuit Attorneys

Government Contract Fraud – Federal False Claims Act

Where there is a Wrong, there is a Remedy

Almost any fraud against government can be prosecuted under the False Claims Act. If you have evidence that a company or individual is cheating the government, you can bring a qui tam action as a whistleblower and share in the funds recovered.

New Jersey qui tam action lawyers at the law firm of Begelman & Orlow, P. C., provide skilled legal representation for people who are pursuing qui tam actions. If you have knowledge and evidence of fraud against the government, contact our offices today to schedule a confidential consultation.

There is virtually no limit to the types of fraud that may be addressed in qui tam cases, and we have the experience and resources necessary to handle any potential claims in this area.

  • Fraudulent Billing: Many of the claims prosecuted under the False Claims Act pertain to fraudulent billing. Do you have evidence that a military contractor is billing the government for products the company hasn’t delivered? Do you know of a doctor that is billing Medicare or Medicaid for tests they didn’t perform?
  • Failure to Meet Contractual Obligations: Government contractors must adhere to the terms of their contracts. Do you know of a nursing home that is receiving government funds without meeting the required standards of care? Do you know of a health care company that is billing Medicare for the services of unlicensed professionals?
  • Inducing Someone Else to Submit False Claims: A company or individual does not have to contract directly with the government to be liable under the False Claims Act. Are you aware of a subcontractor that misrepresented their actions to a company with a governmental contract?
  • Off-Label Marketing: When the government is paying for medication through Medicare, this medication must be prescribed for its intended use. Do you know of a doctor who is prescribing drugs for off-label purposes?
  • Performing Unnecessary Services: Do you have evidence that a health care company or doctor is performing unnecessary services to increase Medicare reimbursement?

Any of these activities may potentially lead to a successful qui tam action. Qui tam actions are about more than money – they’re about discouraging fraud and protecting taxpayers.

Contact Begelman & Orlow, P. C.

If you want to discuss your potential legal claims with an experienced qui tam attorney, contact us today for a free initial consultation. From our offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, we represent clients pursuing qui tam actions throughout the country.

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