New Jersey Pharmacy Fraud Attorneys

Helping Pharmacists Expose Healthcare Fraud

Pharmacists are often the last line of defense against unscrupulous medical professionals who choose to engage in Medicare, Medicaid or healthcare fraud. At the law offices of Begelman & Orlow, P. C. in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, we are proud to work with conscientious professionals who are asked to be an accomplice in defrauding the government and choose instead to expose unethical and illegal practice.

Our highly experienced lawyers can help you take action to reveal fraud and false claims. We put a proven record of success, decades of legal experience and unwavering commitment to exceptional legal practice to work for your case.

A History of Working With Pharmacists/ Pharmacy Fraud and False Claims

Pharmacy fraud and False Claims Act cases are among a long list of cases we handle. It is an area of practice where we have real experience, knowledge and interest. Our firm is built on the foundation of providing guidance in Qui Tam, False Claims Act and whistleblower cases.

We have handled a range of health care fraud cases, and we can represent the interests of pharmacists working in:

  • Independent stores
  • Retail locations
  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Mail order outlets
  • Online pharmacies

When you suspect double billing, drug diversion, Medicare or Medicaid fraud, it is important to talk to a professional that has a complex and sophisticated understanding of the state and federal regulations that govern these kinds of cases, not only so you can take action but so you can protect yourself in the process.

Put Knowledge and Experience Behind Your Case

To schedule an appointment to review your pharmacy fraud case with one of our False Claims Act attorneys, call (866) 627-7052 or contact us online to set up a free consultation.

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