Medical Billing Fraud Lawyers

New Jersey Qui Tam Attorneys Handling Medical Billing Fraud and Whistleblower Protections

When individuals and private companies cheat the government, they are truly cheating the taxpayers. To protect taxpayers and discourage fraudulent activities, the federal government provides strong reporting incentives for whistleblowers.

If you are aware of a company that engages in fraudulent billing practices when seeking reimbursement from government programs, speak with an attorney at Begelman & Orlow, P. C.. We are one of the premier law firms handling qui tam litigation, which allows private individuals to protect governmental interests.

Contact our offices today to discuss your potential legal claims, and the potential benefits of pursuing a qui tam action under the False Claims Act.

Fraudulent billing is one of the many ways companies cheat the government. It occurs in a wide range of industries, from disaster relief work to medical services.

  • A defense contractor may bill the government for the services of an engineer, when in fact work was performed by an administrative assistant.
  • A hospital may commit medical billing fraud by charging Medicare or Medicaid for name-brand drugs, while instead providing generic medications.
  • A medical provider may run an insurance claim scam, double billing Medicare and a private insurance company for services.
  • A hazardous waste company may contract to dispose of waste safely and in accordance with federal laws, and instead simply dump the waste in a hidden location.

Ultimately, these fraudulent billing actions mean that private companies are benefiting from public funds, without providing full and fair services the public is entitled to receive. The companies are committing fraud against the government – and can be held accountable for these acts.

If you have any evidence of fraudulent billing practices, we can help you investigate the situation to determine whether you will have a viable qui tam action. Contact our offices today for more information or to discuss your potential legal claims. We provide free initial consultations to potential whistleblowers.

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