New Jersey Health Care Fraud Attorneys

Qui Tam Attorneys Addressing Health Care Fraud Across the US

Medical Fraud – Qui Tam Actions – Fraudulent Billing

As government health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid grow, the opportunities for health care fraud grow as well. To protect taxpayers and discourage companies from cheating the government, the Federal False Claims Act provides strong incentives for individuals who know of health care fraud to report these activities.

If you know of health care fraud, the law firm of Begelman & Orlow, P. C. can help you pursue a qui tam action under the False Claims Act. Our attorneys have the experience to present a convincing case and to effectively protect people who report fraud against the government. If the action is ultimately successful, you will share in the funds recovered.

Contact our offices today to discuss your potential legal claims with one of our New Jersey qui tam attorneys or legal staff.

  • Do you know of a healthcare provider using the services of unlicensed professionals, while billing Medicaid or Medicare for the services of a licensed practitioner?
  • Do you have evidence of off-label marketing, where a doctor is prescribing drugs for unapproved uses?
  • Are you aware of fraudulent hospital billing practices, such as double billing, billing for brand-name drugs when providing generic medications, pharmacy fraud, or other billing scams?
  • Do you know of a health care company that provides unnecessary tests or medical procedures to increase Medicare reimbursement?
  • Do you have evidence of up-coding services, where a company inflates bills by using incorrect billing codes to indicate that more expensive treatments were provided than those actually performed?

Almost any fraud perpetrated against the U.S. government can be prosecuted under the federal False Claims Act. Additionally, many states have state False Claims Acts to prosecute fraud perpetrated against the state governments. As one of the premier law firms handling qui tam actions in the country, we can effectively represent you – no matter where in the country you are located.

Contact Begelman & Orlow, P. C.

To discuss your potential legal claims related to health care fraud with a knowledgeable qui tam lawyer, contact our offices today.

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