What Happens if I Don’t Pay My Traffic Ticket Fines?

Getting a traffic violation can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you believe that you didn’t do anything wrong. While it may be tempting to avoid paying a fine that you don’t agree with, this can be a mistake. In most cases, this causes a traffic ticket to go from a minor fee to a misdemeanor with more expensive fines. Additionally, depending on the type of violation, it could also lead to you being arrested/jailed.

Important Steps Following a Traffic Violation

If you receive a traffic violation, you will want to take the following steps:

  • Accept the ticket: Even if you disagree with the ticket, it is usually not a good idea to refuse it during the traffic stop. Once a police officer has written you a ticket, it is best to just accept it. You can consider your options after.
  • Review the requirements: New Jersey traffic violations vary, depending on the county and the type of ticket. However, it is important to understand what you are expected to do. For example, you might be required to provide proof of insurance within a set period of days or pay a ticket.
  • Decide what action you will take: It is best to decide what action you will take regarding the violation as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is likely that you will put off the ticket, and missing the required timeline can lead to severe consequences.
  • Pay or schedule a court date: If you decide to pay the ticket, then you may pay online or mail in a certified check. If you decide to fight the ticket, then you will need to call the local court to schedule a court date.
  • Decide if you need representation: If you have decided to go to court, you may decide to hire a lawyer. A lawyer can help you evaluate your additional legal options and help you navigate the court system. Fighting the ticket may not only reduce the fines that you have to pay, but also any points.

Whatever you choose to do, don’t ignore the ticket. It will not go away and will usually get worse. It may also be useful to work with a lawyer if you have multiple tickets, or you already have a lot of points on your license. The state of New Jersey may eventually suspend your license after you have multiple traffic violations. A lawyer may be able to help by negotiating your ticket, reducing points, and potentially saving your license from being suspended.

Reach Out to a Lawyer If you Have Ignored a Traffic Violation

If you have already ignored a traffic violation, then you may already be facing serious consequences. It is important that you reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible to explore your options. Otherwise, you could be pulled over and arrested. Your fines have also likely increased. The state may even choose to suspend your license, complicating the process even more. Reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible to explore your legal options.

Read more: What Should I Do if I’m Charged with a Crime?

Contact a Camden Traffic Violation Lawyer to Discuss Your Unpaid Tickets in New Jersey

Did you incur expensive traffic violations in the state of New Jersey? Don’t risk jail time or a suspended driver’s license. The skilled attorneys at Begelman & Orlow represent clients dealing with traffic violations in Camden, Cherry Hill, Gloucester Township, Winslow, and throughout New Jersey. Call (856) 547-7400 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 411 Route 70 East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, as well as an office in Feasterville, Pennsylvania.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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