What Evidence Do You Need to Prove Your Qui Tam Claim in New Jersey and Pennsylvania?

Relators/whistleblowers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are required to prepare a disclosure statement which details the material evidence they have against the claimant. Qui Tam claimants should keep the evidence to themselves, with the exception that they need to gather and review the evidence with a lawyer. Claimants should not use social media or discuss the matter publicly.


  • Who are the defendants? What companies?
  • Which people were involved? How were they involved? What was their position with the company or relation to the company?
  • Communications. Who else have you talked to about the claim? Any officials, the press, your employer, co-workers? What was discussed? What were the replies?


  • What was the wrong? What did the defendants do that was fraudulent or deceptive?
    • False claim
    • False statement
    • Altering documents
    • Failing to provide services
    • Failing to give the agency/government what it’s entitled to.
    • Other wrongs.
  • What are the amount of the damages in your estimate? Explain the math?
  • What are the collection possibilities? Can the defendant(s) pay?


  • Which employer locations are involved?
  • Where do you reside?
  • Where do key witnesses reside?
  • Where did the wrong occur?


  • When did the wrong occur? What was the time frame for the fraud? Start date. End date? Is it ongoing?


  • How did you discover the fraud?
  • What documentation do you have?
    • Plans
    • Photographs
    • Documents
    • Emails
    • Voicemails
    • Financial records
    • Product records
    • Medical records
  • Legitimate possession? The claimant can’t steal or rummage through files. He/she should be in the rightful possession of all documents.

What do you think was the motivation of the wrongdoer?

  • Money
  • Some other reason


  • Retaliation. Has there been any retaliation against you? If so, what was the retaliation?
  • Other proceedings. Has there been any congressional or legal proceeding involving the allegations.
  • Prior litigation. Have you been involved in litigation before? What was the case about?

Why You Need a Whistleblower /Qui Tam Lawyer

  • We can help you gather and review your evidence. Some documentation and electronic records can be quite lengthy.
  • We can work work to help protect you against retaliation
  • We can help you prepare your qui tam claim under the False Claims Act

How Our Firm Can Help

If you think you have a whistleblower claim, contact the lawyers at Begelman & Orlow, P. C.. Our lawyers have over 115 years experience protecting your rights. Call us at 866-627-7052 now. We have offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and handle claims by claimants in all 50 states.

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Over 115 Years combined experience protecting your rights New Jersey Employment Law Attorneys A Full Service Law Firm Handling Cases Across Pennsylvania and New Jersey