Reporting Medicaid Fraud Could Lead to Financial Rewards

If you are aware of anyone who has been defrauding the Medicaid program, it may be in your best interests to speak with a knowledgeable qui tam lawyer and explore your legal options. Depending on what you know and the precise circumstances of the case, you could be entitled to a major financial reward for reporting the Medicaid fraud.

The government takes any violations of the Medicaid Fraud False Claims Act very seriously because health care fraud continues to be a major problem in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and everywhere else in the United States.

One recent example of the government coming down hard on a medical provider who submitted false bills is the case of Michael Mann. Mann, the owner of Wheelchairs Plus, Inc. in Seattle, Washington, was ordered to pay fines totaling $2.7 million dollars after it was discovered that he had fraudulently billed the Medicaid program for more than a hundred wheelchairs.

Mann reported to Medicaid that he was delivering new wheelchairs to patients; however, it turned out that Mann’s company was actually providing patients with used wheelchairs that were often soiled and filthy. Mann’s company reportedly got more than $550K in Medicaid payments as a result of his fraud. He would pay a few hundred dollars to repair each wheelchair and then bill Medicaid for several thousand dollars.

Many of the individual victims of the fraud were reportedly poor and disabled people. Bob Ferguson, the Washington Attorney General, said that the kind of fraud committed in this case was “deplorable” because it involved a health care provider taking advantage of some of society’s most vulnerable people just so that he could make a quick buck.

If you believe that someone has been committing health care provider fraud, you may be entitled to a monetary reward. These types of whistleblower rewards can vary, depending on the amount of money recovered by the government. That’s why it is important for you to speak with a qualified qui tam attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.

To learn more about this Medicaid fraud case, read the official Attorney General press release, “AG Secures $2.7 Million Medicaid Fraud Judgment against Wheelchairs plus President.”


If you know of fraud being perpetrated against the federal government or the state government, whether it involves Medicaid fraud, Medicare fraud or any other kind of health care fraud, you could be entitled to a large financial reward. Contact the experienced whistleblower and qui tam lawyers at Begelman & Orlow, P. C. today to discuss your options.

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