What Evidence Do You Need to Prove Your Qui Tam Claim in New Jersey and Pennsylvania?

Relators/whistleblowers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are required to prepare a disclosure statement which details the material evidence they have against the claimant. Qui Tam claimants should keep the evidence to themselves, with the exception that they need to gather and review the evidence with a lawyer. Claimants should not use social media or discuss… More

What Are the Damages in a Federal False Claims Act Claim?

Qui tam claims and whistleblower claims offer the potential reward of a percentage of the damages that the government recovers. It’s important, then, to be able to estimate the amount of damages in a federal False Claims Act claim. The estimate is useful in estimating a possible percentage recovery. It is also useful in considering… More

Benefits of the False Claims Act in New Jersey and Throughout the U.S

Changing Corporate Culture The False Claims Act is working. It is changing corporate culture. According to US Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) and US Representative Howard Berman (D-CA), Qui Tam claims (the main claim brought under the False Claims Act) in New Jersey and nationwide have deterred hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud – not… More

Pennsylvania Discrimination Laws and Agencies

State vs. Federal Agencies If you’ve been discriminated against, your options include going to a Federal or a State agency. The claims before both are similar, but there are some differences. Some reasons why claimants file in Pennsylvania rather than federal court are: Federal claims are normally limited to employers who have 15 or more… More

New Jersey Discrimination Agencies

State vs. Federal Agencies If you’ve been discriminated against, your options include going to a Federal or a State agency. The Equal Opportunity Employment Council (EEOC) is the federal agency that handles discrimination claims. Employees can also bring claims in New Jersey. The claims before both are similar, but there are some differences. Our qualified… More

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