Begelman, Orlow & Melletz Help Get Settlement in Camden, NJ Police Corruption Case

What Happened? The City of Camden, New Jersey, in 2013, agreed to pay $3.5 million for extensive police corruption. 88 claimants sued Camden in Federal Court and in state court for damages because of  false drug convictions obtained when police falsely planted evidence on innocent civilians. The allegations of wrongdoing also included faking evidence, creating… More

Can a Whistleblower Remain Anonymous When Filing a False Claims Act Lawsuit?

Most whistleblower clients or potential clients that approach a Qui Tam Attorney for advice as to whether or not to file a False Claims Act lawsuit are concerned with being publicly identified as a whistleblower.  Most whistleblowers would prefer to remain anonymous, report the fraud, be eligible for a large award and stop the wrongful… More

Can a Relator Whistleblower Represent Themselves in a Qui Tam Case?

You can certainly try to file a Qui Tam False Claims Act Case without a lawyer, but your case will eventually be dismissed. There is an old saying that says that “the person who represents himself has a fool for a client.” In most, if not all, areas of American Jurisprudence the law will allow… More

Corporations and Non-Employees Can Also Be Whistleblowers

There are two common misconceptions concerning who can be a whistleblower under the Federal and State False Claims Acts that we hope to explain and correct by posting this blog. Many people believe that only employees can act against their current or former employers under the False Claims Act and blow the whistle on corrupt… More

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