Health Insurance Scam Fails; Three Indicted in California for Attempting to Bilk $50M

You don’t have to be a Nigerian prince or a late night hacker to try to pull off a confidence scheme. In Santa Ana, Calif., three people were charged with being involved in a fraudulent health insurance scam designed to bilk reimbursements for more than $50 million of unnecessary medical procedures. A Grand Jury indicted… More

Numbers Show SEC Whistleblower Program Has Been Successful

Has Been Successful There have been more than 6,500 people who have come forward with confidential information under the protection of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s whistleblower program. The agency created the program in 2011, hoping to encourage people to come forward with details of fraudulent activity against the government. The program offers a reward… More

What Exactly Does It Mean to “Blow the Whistle?”

You may have seen a poster in the employee break room or read about whistle blowing in your company’s employee handbook. If you haven’t taken the time to understand what all the fuss is about, you may be turning a blind eye, and ear, to actions your employer is taking that are illegal or that… More

Even Medicare’s Plan to Uncover Fraudulent Billing Practices is Flawed

It’s no secret that the Medicare system is flawed, with loop holes the size of the Grand Canyon that practically invite medical providers to fraudulently overbill.  When fraud is rampant, everyone suffers. Further, it seems that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) doesn’t seem to be able to catch the cheaters well enough… More

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