How Can I Win an Age Discrimination Lawsuit?

Age Discrimination Unfortunately, as the number of baby boomers rise in the workforce, the number of age discrimination complaints increase too. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, between 1997 and 2007, nearly 19,000 complaints were filed annually. Understanding Age Discrimination The Age Discrimination in Employment Act states that it is illegal for any employment… More

Fired For Medical Disability: Illegal Discrimination And Wrongful Termination

Americans With Disabilities Act If you have a documented disability, you have legal rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act that include employment protection. If you are terminated because of your disability, you have the right to bring a civil suit against your employer to recover damages. However, each case is different, and the particular… More

Whistleblowing & The Qui Tam Action: A Short Guide

Overview Qui Tam Actions You probably know what a whistleblower is when it comes to calling out a business’s bad actions. You may not, however, know what kind of lawsuit to bring if you are looking to stop the fraud. A qui tam action is a lawsuit that you can file to allow the government… More

OSHA Violations- Are There Whistleblower Protections?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules are in place to protect employees. They protect the health and wellbeing of employees across many different industries including construction, agriculture, and even personal services such as hair salons. The biggest problem with these laws is that it is often the employee that identifies when things are not… More

Can a Traffic Ticket Land Me Behind Bars?

One of the most stressful situations a driver can encounter on the roads of New Jersey is seeing flashing red and blue lights in their rear-view mirror. If it’s not an ambulance or fire engine, it will be a police officer. If the officer focuses on your vehicle and isn’t trying to pass you, then… More

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Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

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