Kudos to Elected Officials Who Continually Enhance Whistleblower Laws

In his efforts to expand the reach of the False Claims Act, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley set out almost 30 years ago to create a way the government could recover money stolen by fraudsters. He knew then, as he knows now, that the government is so big that stealing here and there and even perpetrating huge schemes against government agencies, most notably Medicare, for example, is more common than many think.

So, in 1986, when the False Claims Act was enhanced – with support from both sides of the aisle – whistleblowers could make claims against people and companies trying to defraud the government. Under the Act, whistleblowers could be compensated for stepping forward and doing the right thing. Since the False Claims Act was passed, the U.S. government has recouped almost $45 billion. In 2014, nearly $3 billion was put back in US treasury coffers.

With taxes being as high as they are, it’s almost unconscionable that many Americans have to shoulder more burden because of thieves who feel they deserve a bigger piece of the American Dream. Therefore, any anti-fraud measures that can be put in place – including laws that protect whistleblowers – are critically important to our economy and society at-large.

It’s incumbent upon elected officials to fight against fraud at every turn, passing and strengthening laws that not only deter this kind of bold-face theft but also root it out at every turn.

If you or someone you know has information about fraud being perpetrated against the government, contact the experienced qui tam lawyers at Begelman & Orlow, P. C.. We will listen to your claims and will pursue legitimate cases fervently in an effort to get you compensated for coming forward.

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