Hurt on the Job? You May Have a Third Party Claim

You go to work everyday, intent on doing an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. If you are lucky, you don’t mind the job.Regardless, the weekly paycheck keeps you going back; after all, you need to put food on the table.

So, it stands to reason when you are injured in a workplace accident, you may feel overwhelmed about what to do next. You are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits which will cover medical treatment and lost wages. However, unless your employer did something purposefully that caused your accident and injuries, the law prohibits you from suing your employer.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have a case!

While employers have immunity from workplace accident cases, other parties (vendors, other contractors, equipment manufacturers, etc.) are fair game when it comes to Third Party Claims.
Examples of potential Third Party Claims include:

  • Defective Machinery – When a piece of equipment malfunctions and you get injured, we may be able to sue the designer, manufacturer or supplier of the equipment.
  • Improper Installation – If you fell from scaffolding that wasn’t properly installed, you may have a claim.
  • Other contractors – On construction sites, for example, many workers are doing their work alongside others. You may be a sheetrocker and there is also a painter in the space, for example. If another contractor’s negligence caused your accident, we may be able to hold them liable for their errors.
  • Vehicular Accidents – If you drive as part of your job (whether you are a truck driver or make occasional deliveries) and you get into a car or truck accident caused by another driver, that could be a viable third party claim.

It’s important to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable Workers’ Comp attorney who will review your accident and determine if there are any Third Party Claims. If you have a viable case, your lawyer can seek to hold that negligent party responsible for your accident and injuries.

If you have been injured at work, contact Begelman & Orlow for assistance with your Workers’ Comp claim and any Third Party Lawsuits. We will fight hard to protect your rights and get you the maximum compensation you are entitled to receive.

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