Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

Federal Employees Should Be Protected against Retaliatory Firing for Qui Tam Whistleblower Actions

Whistleblowers should feel safe when it comes to raising concerns about fraud or abuse by their employers – even if the employer is a federal or state government agency. Whistleblowers are generally protected against retaliation for alerting the government to fraud by their employers. However, when the employer is the government, a potential whistleblower may… More

Whistleblowers Get Compensated for Reporting Florida Doctors’ Violations of False Claims Act

Whistleblowers in a case involving Florida doctors’ offices are set to get nearly $2 million after reporting illegal billing practices that allegedly violated the False Claims Act. The unnamed whistleblowers came forward with allegations against Rose Radiology Centers in Tampa, FL and Dr. David Spellberg’s medical practice in Fort Myers, FL. According to federal prosecutors,… More

Government Settles Another Anti-Kickback Case for $3.75M

Bostwick Laboratories agreed to pay $3,750,000 to the federal government to resolve a False Claims Act violation case from May 2008. According to the qui tam lawsuit, filed by Michael Daugherty, CEO of LabMD, Inc., Bostwick Labs violated the Anti-Kickback Statute when it sent bills to Medicare and Medicaid for unwarranted tests and services. In… More

Government Penalizes Delays in Whistleblower Lawsuits

Anyone thinking about coming forward as a whistleblower needs to make sure that they speak to a qualified attorney as soon as possible. That’s because inaction can actually cost the potential whistleblower in a federal qui tam action. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently made a startling announcement in a case involving a… More

Johns Hopkins: Drugmakers are Taking Advantage of Orphan Drug Act

While pharmaceutical companies mostly balance their books on profits made off of drugs that treat major diseases such as cancer and high cholesterol, there are drugmakers who focus on a smaller segment of the population. These companies develop treatments that are meant to help a small number of people who are dealing with less popular… More

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