Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

Commonwealth Court Rules that Whistleblower Has no Application to Judicial Employees

The Commonwealth Court has issued a decision that the Whistleblower Law of Pennsylvania does not affect the judiciary even though at one time, the code of behavior for Pennsylvania judicial employees made reference to the statute. On February 17, 2017, a panel comprised of three judges ruled unanimously in the case of Thomas v. Grimm… More

Whistleblowers Will Appeal after Judge Throws Out False Claims Act Lawsuit against Hospice Provider

Whistleblowers who came forward to report massive Medicare fraud being committed by AseraCare, a major hospice care provider, plan to appeal after a federal judge threw out their lawsuit and basically said that the deceptive billing practices of the company were somehow okay. AseraCare reportedly committed fraud when they fraudulently billed Medicare for hospice services.… More

Whistleblower Gets $51 Million for Reporting Kickback Fraud, Violation of False Claims Act

Olympus Corporation of the Americas, the largest endoscope distributor in the country, recently reached a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department and agreed to pay more than $623 million in fines stemming from kickback fraud. This means that the person who reported the fraud will receive a tidy payment of more than $50 million for… More

Reporting Medicaid Fraud Could Lead to Financial Rewards

If you are aware of anyone who has been defrauding the Medicaid program, it may be in your best interests to speak with a knowledgeable qui tam lawyer and explore your legal options. Depending on what you know and the precise circumstances of the case, you could be entitled to a major financial reward for… More

IRS Whistleblower Alerts Federal Government to Tax Refund Issue

A recent review of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) found that the tax agency has done a reasonably good job when it comes to detecting income tax fraud but a poor job as far as stopping refunds from being mistakenly issued. The audit was initiated after an IRS whistleblower came forward with information that the… More

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