Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

Responsible Whistleblowing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Only responsible whistleblowers should move forward with their allegations. The Federal and State False Claims Acts are designed to create a process which helps ensure that cases are vented and litigated in a responsible fashion. The Act requires that before filing a whistleblower claim for wrongdoing to receive or retain money from a government funded… More

False Off-Label Pharmaceutical Marketing: How Our Whistleblower Attorneys Can Help

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have often illegally marketed their drugs as “off-label.” These methods violate federal and state False Claims Act laws. Violations of the False Claims Act result in penalties which include treble damages and penalties of between $5,500 and $11,000 per false claim. Each prescription filled can be viewed as a false claim. Our whistleblower… More

Specific Examples of False Claims Act Fraud

According to the TaxPayers Against Fraud Education Fund, common types of medical related fraud and other frauds that have led to False Claims Act recoveries include: Billing and finance: Drug billing fraud Billing for non-FDA approved drugs or devices Billing for brand — billing for brand-named drugs when generic drugs are actually provided Billing for… More

Why Do Employees Blow the Whistle in New Jersey and Pennsylvania?

Common Reasons Why Employees Blow the Whistle Federal, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other state laws encourage employees to report wrongdoing by their employer. One of the key reasons for whistleblower laws is to help the government get what it paid for. Sometimes businesses and people will try to take advantage of the government by failing… More

Identifying Stark Law violations in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

The Stark Law is part of the Social Security Act. It is directed toward physicians and doctors who refer patient matters to entities in which they (the physician or doctor) have a self-interest. Named after US Congressman Pete Stark, the law is enforced in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and nationwide because the priority should be the… More

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