Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

How Can You Convince the Government to Join Your Qui Tam Case?

A lawyer who is willing to ask difficult questions at the outset will be better equipped to present your Qui Tam case to the U.S. Justice Department. This is important because government intervention can potentially increase your chances ofbeing compensated by orders of magnitude. Hence, it is imperative that you speak with a Qui Tam… More

When It Comes to Whistleblowing, Make Sure Your Case is the Real Deal

Making the decision to “blow the whistle” on a company that is ripping off the government is never an easy one. When the company is your employer, even though the law says they can’t hold it against you, it’s completely understandable if you feel less than comfortable with pointing the finger. On one hand, if… More

In Hollywood, Whistleblowing is an Easy Job

  The Fifth Estate is the latest in a long list of Hollywood films about whistleblowers. In this film, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks. Assange has always claimed that he is a whistleblower, leaking important information to the citizens of the world in order to give them a clearer view of their… More

New York Reports Record Medicaid Fraud in 2013

New York Reports Record Medicaid Fraud in 2013 There’s good reason for Americans to worry about whether or not federally funded healthcare programs like Medicaid and Medicare will be around when they need them during retirement. In fact, in New York in 2013, there were 851 million reasons. The Office of the Medicaid Inspector General… More

Obama is Targeting Doctors That Take Advantage of Charging Medicare

Medicare Doctors who are attempting to take advantage of the government by chronically overbilling and charging Medicare for unnecessary patient care and equipment are the latest target of the Obama Administration. Doctors engaged in the Medicare program follow guidelines that cover necessary procedures and the allowable reimbursement fees associated with those services. However, the Medicare system… More

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