Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

US Senators Support Bill to Protect and Incentivize Automaker Whistleblowers

New legislation that would benefit auto industry workers for “blowing the whistle” on fraudulent activity within their companies was announced in November. This bill is a direct effort to attempt to uncover dangerous auto company practices before people get hurt. Employees who work for auto manufacturers, parts suppliers and dealerships would be covered by this… More

Some Corporate Whistleblowers Get Satisfaction & a Huge Pay Day

When the United States Securities and Exchange Commission paid a $30 million reward to a whistleblower who reported an instance of major corporate fraud, foreigners really took notice. The recipient of that huge award was paid to someone who doesn’t live in the U.S. but took the time to report the wrongdoing. In fact, this… More

Fraud Lawsuits More Successful When a Whistleblower Gets Involved

Crime rarely pays. This is especially true is corporate America when a whistleblower exposes the wrongdoing. Any company found guilty of trying to defraud the government will pay the piper when caught. However, when a whistleblower is involved, according to the study done by Texas A&M University, the fines are on average 63 percent higher… More

Esteemed Whistleblower Lawyer Ross Begelman Applauds Proposed NJ CEPA Expansion

Some people say that a bill to expand whistleblower protections in NJ, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), does not go far enough. Others, including Cherry Hill qui tam lawyer Ross Begelman say that the proposed legislation (S-768) is sorely needed. Begelman of the law firm Begelman & Orlow, P. C. represents whistleblowers… More

Feds Call for Better Oversight on Medicare Billing Practices — Again

The closer we get to the next U.S. presidential election, the more likely it is that Americans will, once again, be lamenting the future of Medicare. Will there be enough money in the coffers when the people who are paying into it need it (in 10, 20 or 30 years?) By all accounts, if the… More

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