Category Archives: Whistleblower Law

New York Takes Steps to Incentivize, Protect Financial Whistleblowers

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has taken steps to make it worth a whistleblower’s time and effort to report illegal activity in the financial services sectors – including banking and insurance. His proposed legislation, called the Financial Frauds Whistleblower Act, promises financial compensation to anyone in the industry who discloses fraudulent activity that… More

Greed Hits an All-Time Low: Hospices Abuse System to Cash in on Medicare Payments

Few people want to talk about hospice and there is only one thing the general public needs to know about it as a rule: when end-of-life care is needed, the compassionate and gentle care you or a loved one may receive from an experienced hospice worker can truly make a difficult situation more bearable. So,… More

US Bancorp to Pay $200M for Underwriting Bad FHA Loans

Whistleblowers come in all shapes and sizes but, when proof of fraudulent activity hits the hallowed halls of giant banking institutions that seem almost untouchable, it really makes you shake your head. The rich, as they say, seem to always find a way to get richer. Case in point: U.S. Bancorp violated the U.S. False… More

New Mexico Considers Expanding Whistleblower Program to Local & School Governments

Expanding whistleblower protections and rewards programs are hot topics throughout the country these days. While the NJ Supreme Court is contemplating better defining what constitutes “whistleblower status,” New Mexico politicians are reviewing potential legislation that would reward people who expose local lawmakers and school officials. If this bill becomes a law in NM, a world… More

New Jersey Top Court Reviews Protections for Watchdog Employees Who Opt to Blow the Whistle

The Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA), New Jersey’s whistleblower protection law, is an important resource for people who opt to report wrongdoing by their employees. The NJ Supreme Court is currently reviewing CEPA as it relates to employees whose jobs require them to monitor and report on an employer’s compliance procedures. These individuals are commonly… More

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