Category Archives: Employment Law

Qui Tam Lawyer Speaks Out on Obvious Whistleblower Retaliation Tactic

Whistleblowers are supposed to be protected from retaliation. Any employee who finds out that their employer is involved in perpetrating fraud can, and should, report the employer to the authorities. First, because it’s the right thing to do. Second, because they may be entitled to monetary compensation if the whistleblower case is successful. However, just… More

America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave – Even for Whistleblowers

There are just some things Americans take for granted. In fact, the freedoms we hold dear aren’t just for Americans; they are in place for all citizens of the U.S., regardless of nationality, creed or religion. That’s just the way things are here in the good old U.S. of A. Not so in many other… More

Pennsylvania Discrimination Laws and Agencies

State vs. Federal Agencies If you’ve been discriminated against, your options include going to a Federal or a State agency. The claims before both are similar, but there are some differences. Some reasons why claimants file in Pennsylvania rather than federal court are: Federal claims are normally limited to employers who have 15 or more… More

New Jersey Discrimination Agencies

State vs. Federal Agencies If you’ve been discriminated against, your options include going to a Federal or a State agency. The Equal Opportunity Employment Council (EEOC) is the federal agency that handles discrimination claims. Employees can also bring claims in New Jersey. The claims before both are similar, but there are some differences. Our qualified… More

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Over 115 Years combined experience protecting your rights New Jersey Employment Law Attorneys A Full Service Law Firm Handling Cases Across Pennsylvania and New Jersey