Category Archives: Civil Rights

False Imprisonment And Shoplifting Accusations: Do I Have A Claim?

What is False Imprisonment? In certain circumstances, a store is allowed to briefly detain someone they suspect of shoplifting to determine if their suspicions have any merit. But just like any right, this one has boundaries. When a store detains someone in an unreasonable manner or for an unreasonable amount of time, the suspected shoplifter… More

Breath Test Refusal Now Lets Police Request Warrant for Blood Test

There is no law that states that you legally have to take a breathalyzer if a police officer requests one from you. However, with a new policy that has recently gone into place, the police will be able to instantly request a warrant to issue a blood test for those individuals they believe are driving… More

Jersey City Police Officers Caught Kicking a “Burning Man”

Recently, Jersey City police officers were caught on video in the act of kicking a man “lit on fire.” The man’s clothes were ignited after a shooting and police chase. Mayor Steve Fulop said that such behavior is “unacceptable.” The man in flames wasn’t a suspect of the police officers, so it’s unclear as to… More

Jersey City, NJ Settles Police Brutality Lawsuit Citing “Excessive Force”

If you have faced police brutality in New Jersey, you need an experienced police brutality and civil rights law firm. Law enforcement professionals are there to protect your rights but, all too often, these very people violate them. It seems that some cities and departments in New Jersey can’t police themselves. Unfortunately, the only way… More

Most Police Brutality Complaints Aren’t Investigated

According to The Huffington Post, most police brutality complaints aren’t investigated in New Jersey. Although records show more than hundreds of citizens filed complaints that alleged police brutality, civil rights violations, and bias by officers, Huff Post reports that just one percent of complaints were investigated by internal police units. What’s the takeaway? Don’t assume… More

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