Cherry Hill Car Accident Attourney

Car Accidents – Truck Accidents – Motorcycle Crashes

Dynamic Representation and Success

The attorneys at Begelman & Orlow, P. C. have a combined 65 years of experience handling injury claims related to car crashes in New Jersey and the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. Our Pennsylvania and New Jersey car accident lawyers aggressively pursue our clients’ interests. We do not hesitate to take on the insurance companies to ensure our clients get the compensation they need to recover from their injuries.

Our motor vehicle accident attorneys protect the rights and interests of our clients in personal injury and fatal accidents including:

  • Car Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Motorcycle Crashes
  • Boating Accidents
  • Accidents involving Cars and Pedestrians
  • Bicycle and Automobile Collisions
  • School Bus Accidents
  • Public Transportation Accidents
  • PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Insurance Coverage Disputes

Many car accidents and insurance disputes involve serious personal injuries such as head, neck, and back injuries, brain injuries, severe burns, broken bones, and multiple injuries. In the most extreme cases, accidents result in a wrongful death claim. Our car accident lawyers have the knowledge and skill to help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries or for your loved one’s wrongful death in a fatal car accident. If you have a dispute about what coverage your PIP insurance (personal injury protection insurance) should cover, consult our lawyers.

Our New Jersey and Pennsylvania truck accident attorneys understand how to obtain compensation for truck driver injuries and how to investigate serious tractor-trailer accidents. Lawyers often accept these semi truck accident cases and accept any settlement offer made by the insurance companies. While we strive to obtain a fair settlement and avoid the expense and uncertainty of a trial, our attorneys do not hesitate to take the big insurance companies to court when it is in the best interest of our clients.

Car accidents are the leading cause of personal injury in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. While serious car accidents can occur anywhere, Route 70, Route 95 North, Route 73, and the Black Horse and White Horse Pike (Route 30 and Route 40) tend to have more than their share of serious injury and fatal car accidents. Many of our car accident law firm’s clients are traveling through New Jersey on the way to the Jersey Shore at the time of their accident. Whatever caused your auto accident, it is important to have a skilled attorney representing your interests. Find out how Car Accident attorneys are paid.

Contact Begelman & Orlow, P. C.

If you or a member of your family has been injured in a New Jersey or Pennsylvania accident, please contact our car accident attorneys today. We will work with you to ensure you recover fair compensation for your injury.

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